When you purchase a card printing machine to produce cards for ID or security purposes you should think about a couple of from the technical facets of the machines prior to you making your choice. All these factors all play a huge role about how you print your cards and just what they are utilized for.
Security cards frequently have magnetic strips and tags which are put on them to provide them unique identification figures. These figures are affixed to specific people and loaded onto a main home security system where their access is monitored for attendance and time keeping purposes.
The access system also controls which ID can enter at any sort of area inside a complex. Whether it’s for one front gate right into a housing estate or it’s limited access for this people in their own individual department to provide a couple of examples.
If you are planning to print images around the cards you may need a fairly decent resolution to make certain the pictures emerge obvious and therefore are visible. 300dpi may be the standard of all printers nowadays, but you can buy ones with greater or variable resolutions.
The pictures and text is imprinted using resin thermal transfers and dye sublimation to lose the image and words into the top of card. You might want to consider printing on PVC or polyester cards since they’re durable and may have security tags included in them for ID purposes. Each machine has the capacity to print on specific surfaces and you ought to determine what cards you may create utilizing a specific machine.
Ribbon cartridges are available in coloured layers where you can print them in colour and black and white-colored. However, if you want to cut costs, you should think about printing in mono-colour because it triples the amount of cards that you could print having a single ribbon, which makes it go a great deal further.
It frequently helps to possess a printer that may keep printed image by itself. It will help using the printing occasions and in addition it means that you could continue with your projects if you need to watch for it to complete printing. Additionally you desire a printer that’s simple to use and simple to connect with your pc. After you have the program running on your pc you are able to control exactly what it prints.
Regardless if you are printing double or single sided, colour or mono, you need to keep these technical factors in your mind for cost after which look into the printing speed to find out if it’ll handle the task you want for this.
The security printing aspects of scan-to-fax and scan-to-e-mail are often ignored, both of which are modern features of modern MFP devices and serious security risks. If the output management system is not a printed document, it can be easily taken and the external party can be emailed or faxed.